Sunday, September 6, 2009


I love Halloween and all affiliated things, and always have. This Halloween is goign to be awesome.. I don't know what it is about Halloween but I have always been obsessed with it. I love decorating my house. I also love making caramel apples and other spooky treats. I also watch tons of horror movies (I do all year round) but I especially love the marathons they show on AMC and other select channels. October is a really pretty month, like the leaves and the sunset.. it's also gorgeous when it rains. I adore decorating and buying costumes.. Halloweentime has a certain smell to me, I know that doesn't make sense.. but it's like in the air and I can already feel it! Hahaha. Sadly enough, my ideal career would have something to do with the Halloween Industry. Ever since I've been a little girl, I have been completely infatuated with all things scary.. and every year right around late August... I start to get really pumped up for it. Halloween is obviously my favourite holiday. I still decorate my house, and never intend to stop. You can call it immature, but if stopping means I'm growing up, well then it appears I never will. I don't know.. between the halloween attractions (Fright Nights, pumpkin patch, parties), the decorating, the costumes, the movies and tv specials, the candy and other goodies omg, it's just allover an amazing time. Nothing can go wrong for me in October, it's when I'm happiest. Halloween just has an essence and it's my absolute favourite time of year and always will be. :)

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